Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day # 10 of Life in a Micro-Aquarium

On Friday October 22, 2010 I observed my micro-aqaurium after 10 days of life. I was surprised to see more movement in my micro-aquarium. It might have been that I actually figured out how to use a microscope, but that is a different story. Most of the organisms were living around the plants, much like last week. This week, I managed to see circular things that move really fast(and are difficult to keep up with if you are trying to maneuver a microscope) without moving in any specific pattern. I also saw many Actinosphaerium Sarconids. Although this giant word sounds difficult to picture, the Sarconid is spherical with small hair-like spikes sticking out. I believe I also saw some blue-green algae(cyanobacteria) again mostly around the plants. They look like small squares divides into four smaller squares. The only movement I actually saw was of an organism( I think) that looked like a bumble bee but without the wings. It moved rather fast, and it looked like it kissed the smaller particles that were around it(Probably the cutest thing in my micro-aquarium). Although I think I saw it eat one of those small particles. Also, there were these small pellet looking bacteria(?). They were only visible when the strongest magnification was set, and even then they were hard to see. They were small, but they were probably the fastest things in my aquarium.

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